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Svoj dobar ukus ne pokazujemo samo u umjetnosti. Od naših restorana možete očekivati živahne tanjure, izdašne obroke i obilje spektakla. U skladu s filozofijom art’otela, svako jelo s najvećom pažnjom koncipiraju i pripremaju naši vrhunski kuhari. Svježi sezonski sastojci i eklektični jelovnici o kojima ne prestajete da pričate. Cijenimo dobru hranu, kreativne koktele, odlično vino i još bolji razgovor. Naši restorani i barovi okupljaju ljubitelje umjetnosti i istomišljenike i stvaraju uspomene.

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Art'otel London Battersea Power Station

Tozi Pizzeria


Sestrinski lokal TOZI London, naš Grand Cafe je cjelodnevno mjesto za objedovanje smješteno u prizemlju s pogledom na užurbanu glavnu ulicu, Electric Boulevard.



JOIA Battersea u ponudi ima najbolju portugalsku i ibersku kuhinju u jedinstvenom okruženju s panoramom koja oduzima dah i pogledom na elektranu Battersea i dalje. Panoramski pogledi dolaze u kombinaciji sa živahnim okusima, autentičnim namirnicama i modernom izvedbom tradicionalnih jela.

JOIA Cocktail Selection, Tapas


U baru, svaki koktel priča svoju priču, profilirajući portugalske i iberske začine i gorka pića za izradu ponude koja savršeno nadopunjuje zalogajčiće bara JOIA, ili u njima možete uživati posebno.

Glazba uživo petkom i subotom navečer donosi atmosferu koju ne želite propustiti.


Art'otel Amsterdam


Portugalski šef Henrique Sá Pessoa otvorio je restoran ARCA kao odvažni pandan svojim ostalim lokacijama. ARCA nudi glamurozni koncept koji pobuđuje i stimulira okusne pupoljke. Portugalske plate za dijeljenje suvremenih su okusa s primjesom Azije, upotpunjene koktelima koji pričaju vlastitu priču.



U baru, svaki koktel priča svoju priču, profilirajući portugalske i azijske začine i gorka pića za izradu ponude koja će vas odvesti putem istančanog okusa. Kokteli savršeno nadopunjuju zalogajčiće koji su također u ponudi bara ARCA, ili u njima možete uživati posebno.


Art'otel Zagreb




U prizemlju hotela za istinske ljubitelje kave s raznolikim izborom najfinijih kava koje očaravaju aromama i okusima, au ponudi su različite vrste blend i single origin kave koje dolaze s renomiranih plantaža diljem svijeta.

YEZI at art'otel Zagreb Photo by Charlie McKay
YEZI at art'otel Zagreb


Otkrijte umjetnost vrhunske panazijske kuhinje u YEZI Restaurant & Teahouse.

Da, to su pomno osmišljena jela koja pripremaju vrsni kuhari u nezaboravnom ambijentu. Štoviše, to je niz bogatih okusa i raznolikih kulinarskih tradicija iz cijele Azije. Od izvrsnog sashimija do opsežne liste dim suma uz izbor najboljih svjetskih japanskih čajeva i luksuznih slastičarnica s europskim utjecajima, svaki će Vas zalogaj odvesti na gastronomsko putovanje pogledom, mirisom i okusom.



Originalni kokteli, mirni ljetni zalasci sunca i energična atmosfera. Pozdravite svoje novo omiljeno mjesto za izlaske i događaje: Rooftop bar art’otela Zagreb. Oduševite nepce i uživajte u vrhunskom meniju pića i velikom izboru koktela. Ukoliko imate privatan događaj, osobno ili poslovno okupljanje za više od 50 osoba, kontaktirajte nas da saznate više o našoj ponudi.


Art'otel Centar Berlina


Upside Down bar ar’otela inspiriran je originalnim djelima Georga Baselitza, koja su i izložena u njemu, te poziva goste da istraže nove perspektive umjetnosti, putovanja i objedovanja. Uživajte u svježe pripremljenim mediteranskim tanjurima okruženi ornamentalnom arhitekturom, detaljima odvažnih boja i poznatom umjetnikovom serijom Upside Down. Uključeni su jedinstveni kokteli, raznolika europska vinska karta i moderna, užurbana atmosfera.


Art'otel Köln


Otključajte svoj WONDERPASS

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Best Online Rates Guarantee

Found a lower rate? We’ll match it and give you an additional 25% discount on your stay.

Your reservation must be made on and claim must be validated by our Customer Care team.

The Best Rates Guarantee does not apply to the following rate types:

  • Qualified discount rates available to members of special programs or associations (i.e. AAA, senior, government, loyalty, employee discounts);
  • Special “exclusive offers” or “online coupons” or email solicitations not intended for the general public;
  • Rates not publicly available, such as negotiated Group or Corporate rates; including group extend-the-stay rates;
  • Package rates that include the room and other components such as parking, travel, car rental, entertainment, or meals excluding breakfast;
  • Rates found on opaque, bidding, or auction sites where the hotel brand, the specific hotel, the hotel location or price is not known until booking is finalized. Examples of these types of sites include but are not limited to Priceline and Hotwire;
  • Any other unpublished or private rates or sites requiring login.

Comparison Rates: The Comparison Rate must be found on a website available to be booked by the general public other than within 24 hours of booking your hotel room on and at least 48 hours prior to midnight hotel local time of your arrival date.

The Comparison Rate must be for the same hotel, same reservation date(s), same room type (i.e. room size and amenities), same number of guests, same currency as the confirmation email, and the same advance payment and refund policies and restrictions must apply.

The Comparison Rate must still be available at the time Customer Care validates the claim.

The rates will be compared net of any taxes, gratuities, or any other fees associated with the room rate; however, if the rate has taxes included, we will verify that the total cost of your Comparison Rate is lower so that prices are compared on a relative basis. Rate disparities solely attributable to rounding, fluctuations and/or difference in currency exchange rates are excluded from the Best Rates Guarantee. Claims will be denied when the difference between the Comparison Rate and the rate on is less than 1USD, 1EUR or 1GBP or equivalent in the local currency of the hotel.

When a claim covers a stay for multiple, consecutive nights, the rates will be reviewed based on the average over the entire stay (the total consecutive nights stayed by the same guest or guests in the same hotel, regardless of the number of check-ins or check-outs or separate reservations). Comparison Rates applicable to only a portion of the reservation will not be honored.

If your reservation meets these criteria, let us know by submitting the claim form.

Customer Care will verify the rate meets all of these Best Rates Guarantee terms and conditions and contact you via email. Once confirmed, we will match the lower rate and discount that rate by an additional 25%. For prepaid bookings, the difference will be refunded on the applicable credit card by the hotel. You may only submit one claim for each stay.

If a new reservation confirmation number is provided for the new rate, it must be presented at the hotel at the time of check-in.

The Best Rates Guarantee is void where prohibited by law.

We reserve the right to change or discontinue the Best Rates Guarantee at any time without prior notice. We retain the sole right to determine the validity of any claim, whether a rate qualifies as a Comparison Rate, and whether a claim has satisfied the terms and conditions stated herein. Any dispute arising out of or related to the Best Rates Guarantee shall be handled individually and without any class action and is subject to the terms of the site usage agreement found on If the Comparison Rate is reserved through any Website other than, we are not responsible for any fees or other costs incurred due to cancellation of a reservation.

With our Best Rates Guarantee you can book on and be confident you are receiving the best hotel room rate available on the web – guaranteed. If you find a lower rate within 24 hours of booking and at least 48 hours prior to your arrival date, submit a claim and we will honor the lower rate and discount that rate by an additional 25%. Book today!

Who do I contact if I see a lower rate on another website?

  1. Within 24 hours of making your reservation on, visit the Contact us section of and select “Online” contact method and “BORG claim” for topic.
  2. A completed claim form must be submitted within 24 hours of the booking and at least 48 hours prior to midnight local time of the hotel arrival date to be eligible.